Complaints Procedure
At Pegasus Homes we pride ourselves on first class customer service and an attention to detail. We are members of both the Consumer Code for Homebuilders (the Code). Further guidance, including a copy of the Code, is available at: Consumer Code Information and the Property Ombudsman.
In accordance with both of the above, Pegasus has a system and procedures for receiving, handling, and resolving our customers enquiries and in the unfortunate event that things do go wrong, complaints.
Should you have a complaint or feedback, in the first instance please contact the member of Pegasus staff who you are currently working with, for example for new transactions, your sales advisor or, if you are a resident already living in one of our communities, your Buildings and Community Coordinator.
Should you be unable to resolve the matter, please refer correspondence in writing by email and/or by post to:
Pegasus Homes Limited
105 - 107 Bath Road
GL53 7PR
and/or [email protected]
All complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 14 days of actual receipt.
Should the matter remain unresolved, we do operate an escalation procedure. Where a final response from the executive team is required, you will be advised as to the further steps you can make with the governing bodies Pegasus prescribe to.
Complainants may in any event and at any time (i.e. without the need to refer the matter to our internal complaints process and/or the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme (where appropriate)) refer the matter to trading standards authorities where they believe there has been a breach of consumer protection legislation; and/or to the Courts of England and Wales where they believe a civil claim has arisen.
Further information in this respect is available at the following websites: