Meet the Lifehost: Angela Lambert

09 October 2020

Posted under: Hobbies & interests

Website testimonial image Andrea Johnston 14

Our Lifehosts continue to do amazing work for their communities, bringing our homeowners and rental members together to make the most of independent later living.

For this instalment in our ‘Meet the Lifehost’ series, we spoke to Angela Lambert, Lifehost at Renaissance Marlborough.

Hi Angela, can you tell us a bit about the Marlborough community?

We’ve got quite a wide variety of people here at Marlborough, with many of our homeowners having lived in the area for years.

Others have moved here to be closer to family whilst some have just loved the location as it is well-known for being a lovely, friendly town.

Have you seen an increase in people looking for outside space?

People are increasingly wanting outdoor space; it’s been invaluable for them as some haven’t been able to go any further than the garden.

We’re lucky we’ve got such beautiful gardens here and it’s been great hosting outside activities – socially distanced of course – over the summer. We had an amazing jazz afternoon, and our homeowners love nothing more than taking their lunch or evening drinks outside.

What are your recommendations for an evening in Marlborough?

There are lots of fantastic places to eat and drink in the town, there’s something for everybody. Along with the usual chains, we’ve got lots of independent restaurants, and there’s been a big push throughout the town to support these smaller businesses.

For a day out, you’ve also got easy access to the local forest and gorgeous countryside. Many of our homeowners love to get out for a stroll.

What do you enjoy most about living and working in the area?

I love living and working in Marlborough. It’s a very safe place and very community driven. The whole town worked together during lockdown to make sure everyone was cared for, with some locals offering to run errands and pick up shopping for our homeowners who were shielding or couldn’t get out and about.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I wouldn’t say there is a typical day really. I’ve got some routine tasks and safety checks but aside from that, it varies dramatically. The homeowners are the most important part of my job for me and looking after them is what I enjoy most. It could be something as just lending an ear but it’s the small things that make a big difference. My job is to do the best for everybody here and I take that very seriously.

Lastly, what’s your favourite feature about the Marlborough community?

Having previously trained in graphic design and illustration, I think the building itself is very impressive and I feel it reflects the ambience of the town. It’s very arty but inside it’s a lovely warm, calm and relaxing atmosphere.


There are only a few homes left at our Marlborough community so if you’re looking to start the next chapter in a home with history and artistic influence,  book a private viewing with our team by calling 01672 340012 or emailing [email protected].


If you aren’t quite ready to commit to purchasing, we also offer our Lifestory Choices rental options where you can rent with Assured Tenancies or rent with the option of buying your home at a later date. To book your private, one-to-one viewing, please contact 01344 238 138 or email [email protected]. Prices start from £295,00.