The next home for one couple, was where dogs were welcomed!

12 November 2020

Posted under: Media & Press Releases, Testimonials

I wasnt originally looking for a later living property I just wanted a nice apartment. And this was the nicest and the best furnished Id seen. The space is beautifully lit and the decor is so well finished. Its t 13

When Iain and Susan Crabb (78) decided it was getting to the time to downsize from their three bedroom bungalow in Ferndown, Dorset, they knew that where ever they went next had to be the right location, the right type of development and most importantly, their dog Bailey, the Shih Tzu-Lhasa Papillon cross, had to be welcome too.

The Crabbs saw an advert for Renaissance Wimborne on their iPad and made enquiries: “We had already decided on the type of community that we wanted to move to when we downsized and Renaissance Wimborne offered us that way of living and it welcomed pets. Iain had a stroke ten years ago and so I was having to do all the jobs around the bungalow and I had had enough of this responsibility. I knew Lifestory’s community in Wimborne would be right straight away, so did not have to view any other later living developments. The location was ideal, not only in a lovely town where there is plenty to keep me busy but it is an easy walk to the doctor, there is good company here and there are plenty of places to walk Bailey.”

For the Crabbs, Renaissance Wimborne was the right place at the right time and so they bought a two bedroom home there and moved there at the beginning of December 2019. The three of them have been very happy with their decision, although not really knowing Wimborne it was quite a brave move:

“We did not know Wimborne that well when we first moved here but I have got to know it since and it is a lovely market town, a really great location. There are what I call 'proper shops', it is a quick and easy walk into town and we have settled in here so well. For me, it was the fact that Bailey was so welcome at Renaissance Wimborne that made it such an attractive opportunity and it was the first thing we asked. If we could not have brought Bailey we would not have moved here, but we could and we are so glad we made the decision to move here.

“Living here during the lockdown was a great asset. With such a large owner’s lounge and beautiful gardens, we were able to meet daily, allowing for social distancing, for catch ups over coffee and tea and pre dinner drinks. We even had a picnic lunch a couple of times. It was great to meet up on a regular basis and something to look forward to each day. We also got to know everyone and learn about how things like the appliances worked in the apartments!”

Living at Renaissance Wimborne has meant that Susan and Iain have much more quality free time on their hands to do the things they enjoy doing. Wimborne itself has a busy town centre and the Tivoli Theatre and Allendale Community Centre, both with a variety of activities, are nearby. Susan was pleased that her golf club was nearby and there are plenty of places to visit in the neighbourhood and further afield:

“Life was busy before I retired, I was a cook and in charge at the comprehensive school in Shaftesbury. I retired in 1988. Our first home was in Church Crookham and we moved to Farnham, Shaftesbury and then Ferndown before moving here.  Now that I have retired and we are living here and I no longer have the responsibility of looking after the bungalow I have the time to enjoy my hobbies. I play golf at Ferndown Golf Club, where I have been a member for over 30 years, and Bridge, although both activities were somewhat curtailed due to the virus. I was able to indulge one of my other hobbies then, doing jigsaws and of course I could walk the dog.

“We spend days with Bailey visiting some of the wonderful places around here. Occasionally we visit Kingstone Lacy or Bradbury Rings as we are members of the National Trust. There is the lovely Walford Mill and coffee shop and Hengistsbury Head and we have been up to Pamphill Green. We also like to walk along the riverside because we can do a round-trip that way. Bailey is now 13 years old and he has been with us for about four years and he has made a huge impact. He is our life and although he does not really know it, he is the most wonderful pet therapy."

Bailey also gets quite a lot of exercise just running around to greet everyone at Renaissance Wimborne, which the other owners enjoy:

“Bailey really is a little bundle of joy and full of confidence. He also absolutely loves it here (with so many places to be taken for a walk who could not love it) and everyone loves him, he is quite spoilt really. He has actually become the community’s mascot. Home is where the heart is and ours are certainly here. We can join in if we like or just shut the world out - no problems either way. All three of us are so pleased we made this move at this time.”

To enquire about one of the one and two bedroom pet friendly home at Renaissance Wimborne please telephone 01202 618 808 or email [email protected]. Prices start from £320,000.