Top houseplants for a happy and healthy home
24 January 2019
Posted under: Hobbies & interests

Bring the outside in with decorative and easy-care houseplants for your home. Not only do plants brighten your space, but they can also provide health benefits, detoxifying the air, increasing the concentration of oxygen, and boosting your wellbeing.
Without realising it, the air in our homes can become polluted through toxins found in cleaning products, furnishings and upholstery. Partner these toxins with outdoor pollutants, such as car exhausts and city smog, that can come in through windows and doors, and indoor pollution from pollen, bacteria and moulds; the air inside our homes can become congested with toxins that are bad for our health.
Rest and relax in a home you love with these specially-selected house plants, each with their own health benefits and air-purifying qualities, to create a happier and healthier home.
Aloe Vera
Cacti and other succulents have become popular choices of plants for the home. One of over 100 types of aloe plants, aloe vera is a succulent well-known for the healing properties of the gel within its leaves. Filled with vitamins, amino acids and enzymes, aloe vera gel can be used to soothe kitchen burns or sunburn, heal wounds and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Aloe vera has also been found to purify benzenes found in varnishes and household detergents. If placed in a sunny location, aloe vera can grow for a number of years without much care or attention, other than the occasional watering.
Bonsai Tree
Relax and restore a sense of wellness with a Japanese bonsai tree. We each spend a lot of time in our homes so it is worth investing in plants that we enjoy looking at. Bonsai trees instil calm and create a stress-free environment, good for the body, mind and soul.
Peace Lily
Flowering for many months over the spring and summer, peace lilies are beautiful house plants, recognised for their air-cleaning abilities. They are easy plants to grow, requiring little care other than regular watering and de-heading of flowers. Alongside their ability to remove pollutants, peace lilies have a delicate floral smell, keeping your home fresh and fragrant without overpowering the senses.
Spider Plant
The resilient spider plant is an undemanding addition to the home that is easy to care for. Through photosynthesis, spider plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping you to feel happier and healthier. They are also known to reduce xylene (a solvent used in the printing industry) and carbon monoxide concentrations in the air. These plants require bright light, but not direct sunlight.
Snake Plant
Detoxify your home from airborne toxins, dust and germs. Labelled by NASA as one of the best air-purifying plants, snake plants not only look lovely but can rid rooms of nasty toxins. These yellow-tipped plants can also help with better sleep if kept in your bedroom as they release oxygen at night time, helping you to breathe easier. With plenty of sunshine and a little water every few weeks, snake plants are one of the hardest houseplants to kill, so even a plant novice can keep one alive and thriving.
Boston Fern
Combine this lush green houseplant with natural textures of cotton macramé and have Boston ferns hanging around your home. These air-cleansing plants are great at restoring moisture to the air, improving a room’s humidity. Keep these ferns in a cool location and mist regularly to enjoy the health benefits, particularly good for those with dry skin, or a dry throat.
Barberton Daisy
Add a burst of colour to your home with the flowering Barberton daisy. This houseplant comes in red, yellow, orange and pink varieties, and is recognised for cleansing toxins found in common household materials and fibres from the air. Keep the soil moist and well-drained to get the most out of this pretty household plant.
Spend a day at the garden centre finding houseplants for your new PegasusLife home or enjoy the plants with the company of neighbours in the various PegasusLife gardens and maintain a lifestyle that you love in our stylish and comfortable developments.