Winter Wellbeing
18 November 2024
Posted under: News articles

As the evenings draw in and the days get shorter, it’s easy to feel the winter blues kick in. At Pegasus, our residents’ well being is at the heart of everything we do. Whether you need tips on looking after your mental health or, you’re just looking for inspiration we've put together some top tips for keeping active this winter.
Waking up in the morning can feel like a chore in the winter. Creating and keeping to a routine is one of the easiest ways to feel motivated and start your day. Consider investing in a sunrise alarm clock to help align your body clock naturally and wake-up peacefully to the appearance of the sun rising (even on a gloomy winter’s morning!)
Naturally, our body’s source of Vitamin D is greatly decreased in the winter months, but that doesn’t mean that our bodies or minds need it any less. Even if there’s no sun, some fresh air can do a world of good. If you’re unable to get out for a walk, remember to open your blinds in the morning and let in the sunlight.
We know it can be a really lonely time of year. At Pegasus we pride ourselves on creating a sense of community within our developments. Why not join in with your neighbours and attend a weekly event in the communal area? Or, have a chat with your onsite team on the way out. They would be delighted to find out more about you and keep your company.
Whether you’re engaging your entire body in Thai Chi with your neighbours in your communal area, or, moving a single body part at Chair Yoga, it’s important to keep your body moving and encourage your blood to flow. Keep an eye on your weekly newsletter, or speak to your onsite team, to find out what activities are running in your Pegasus community each week. It’s also another great opportunity to get out of your house and socialise with others!
Why not take up a new hobby this winter? It is reported that having a hobby leads to higher levels of happiness, self-reported health and life satisfaction. Many of our residents have interesting passions such as zumba, vintage car restoration and wing-walking!